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It's Summertime!


Hello All!

I'm back again with a new post, a little late in coming.

We're in the dog days of summer. It has been a very hot summer here in central

Oklahoma. Lisa and I have been very busy with everyday life plus writing and recording new songs for you, our listeners. We are trying to write with different music genres in mind. We would like it if you could send us a comment and let us know the styles of music that you prefer.

We are coming up on our first year since starting this new venture. You all have been very kind and patient with us. We have learned a great deal about music production and recording. It's a lot of work, but it is our passion. The Lord has really blessed us this past year. We are a part of a local church here in Stroud, Ok and play and sing on the praise team. It's been a blessing to us.

We will have a new song posted very soon. I have been working on a cover song called

"Revelation Song" maybe many of you have heard other groups sing it. Keep an eye out for it. It has really helped me to broaden my musical horizons. I'm a product of country and 80's rock music, so this has been very new for me.

Please leave us questions or comments. Hope hear from you soon!

The Lord Bless each and every one of you!

Until then....

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